
项目级别: 度,证书
部门: 旅游,酒店和烹饪艺术
研究所: 业务 & 创业
大学: 程控


The 酒店管理 program emphasizes the management skills needed for individuals wanting to advance as management team members in the lodging and food industries. Special attention is given to background studies in economics and accounting which complements the operations-level studies in restaurant and lodging operations.


The competencies needed to be successfully employed in the hospitality management industry. 


Students earning a degree in 酒店管理 can explore career options across the industry.  住宿行业有很多机会, 餐厅, 管理服务, 航空公司, 游轮, 主题公园/景点, 游戏, 特别活动, 汽车租赁, 铁路, 和俱乐部.

准备充分的毕业生可以担任的一些职位包括总经理, 销售和市场总监, 营运总监, 销售经理, 兼主题公园经理.



The 酒店管理 program prepares students for careers in the visitor and hospitality industries that are vital to the 圣安东尼奥 and South Texas economy. The industry has grown handsomely in the recent past and is currently the city's second-largest industry. 每年约有800万人参观圣安东尼奥, 据估计,旅游业对该市经济的影响达190亿美元.



  • 毕业后, students will be able to correctly identify the various hospitality industry segments and describe how all segments work together for the success of the industry 
  • Students will increase their visibility and practice networking skills through attending a minimum of two volunteering opportunities with hospitality industry organizations 
  • Students will demonstrate mastery of hospitality skills through various scenarios in a hands-on learning environment at a hotel property. Students will identify ethical dilemmas encountered on the job and provide evidence of an ability to make sound ethical decisions 


  • Students will describe the four stages of the guest cycle and the important roles and functions of the front office and housekeeping departments in each stage 
  • Students will identify various reservation methods and describe the impact of specific methods on hotel revenue 
  • Students will accurately describe the steps to clean a guestroom and identify areas most prone to mistakes 


  • Students will identify and describe various aspects of large group meetings including; registration, 房间块, 安全, 设置展品和会后会议 
  • Students will be able to explain the 4 P’s of marketing as they relate to the hospitality industry 
  • Students will describe the major components of on-premise and off-premise special events including F&B、娱乐、租金和劳动力


  • 学生将计算食物, 饮料, 并将人工成本和运营成本确定为固定成本, 变量, 或半可变 
  • Students will identify critical control points in food preparation and prepare a HACCP for potentially hazardous ingredients 
  • 学生将展示基本的食物准备技巧,包括刀法, 烹饪方法, 还有酱汁制作 
  • Students will work in a team to prepare and serve a four-course meal focusing on timing and flow of service 


  • Students will identify and explain basic legal principles that govern the hospitality industry 
  • Students will describe the major functions of management and the various roles the manager play in the success of the organization 
  • Students will recall appropriate interview questions and identify those prohibited by law  


  • Students will be able to analyze and interpret, standard industry financial reports including P&损益表和损益表 
  • 毕业后, students will be able to identify and calculate key performance indicators including occupancy percentage, ADR和RevPAR. Using these KPI’s, students will analyze the STAR to determine performance compared to the comp set 


  • Students will be able to describe the role of the maintenance team and how it contributes to the success of the operation 
  • 学生将了解如何在酒店设施中使用技术 
  • Students will recognize areas of the hotel that have the largest impact on the environment and describe how to balance the needs of the guests with concerns for the environment 
  • 毕业生 
    • 2017-2018
    • 2016-2017
  • 就业率 
    • 2016-2017
    • 2015-2016


弗兰克·萨利纳斯,CCC, CCE, M.Ed